Sunday, August 22, 2010

2 US troops killed in eastern Afghanistan AP

KABUL, Afghanistan Two U.S. troops were killed by insurgents in eastern Afghanistan on Sunday, and a former guerrilla leader who battled Soviet invaders decades ago was killed by a roadside bomb in the countrys north.

NATO gave no other further details about the U.S. casualties, which bring the number of international forces killed in Afghanistan this month to 40, including 26 Americans, according to a count by The Associated Press.

Using a bomb detonated by remote control, insurgents destroyed the vehicle in which Salaam Pahlawan was traveling as he made his way Saturday to government offices in Faryab provinces Al Mar district, said provincial police commander Khalil Andarbi.

The attack also killed two of Pahlawans sons, ages 5 and 10, and two bodyguards, Andarbi said.

He said Pahlawan had been commander of anti-Soviet forces in the district but had lately been serving in an advisory role as a tribal elder. Many surviving veterans of the 1979-1989 Soviet invasion have been targeted by the Taliban for allying themselves with the government in Kabul.

In western Afghanistans Herat province, insurgents Saturday ambushed a convoy carrying a provincial council member running for a seat in next months elections for the national parliament, killing the mans brother, said Raouf Ahmedi, police spokesman for western Afghanistan.

Abdul Hadi Jamshadis bodyguards returned fire, but Ahmedi said it wasnt known whether any militants were killed.

The attack appeared to be part of a campaign of terror and intimidation being waged by the Taliban in hopes of sabotaging the Sept. 18 elections.

Fighting around the country on Saturday and Sunday killed five Afghan soldiers and at least 17 militants, according to the defense and interior ministries. Five of the insurgents were killed when roadside bombs they were trying to plant exploded, while a joint NATO-Afghan operation in the southern province of Zabul resulted in the death of a senior Taliban commander, Sandar Yar, according to a provincial government statement.

Insurgents in Kandahar province, one of Afghanistans most violent, killed the head of a private security company on Saturday, while one civilian was killed and five wounded by a land mine in Herats Anjil district.

President Hamid Karzai has ordered such companies to cease operating in Afghanistan within four months, posing a challenge to the U.S. and its allies who rely heavily on contractors to guard supply convoys, installations and development projects.

Complaints have mounted that the firms are poorly regulated, reckless and effectively operate outside local law, and the order to disband them is part of the presidents moves to assert his authority.

German Brigadier Gen. Josef Blotz, spokesman for the International Security Assistance Force overseeing foreign troops in Afghanistan, said ISAF supported Karzais order and would work with his government on plans to carry it out.

However, Blotz said an interim solution may have to be found that addresses the need for some contractors to continue to operate.

Separate solutions needed to be found to provide protection for diplomats, development projects, and convoys, as well as ensure security around forward operating bases manned by foreign and Afghan troops, Blotz said.

It is a very complex thing, he said.

Karzai has also ordered the removal of some of the capitals ubiquitous security barriers to free up snarled traffic.

Work crews outside a police recruiting center in eastern Kabul on Sunday attached steel cables to iron hoops embedded in the concrete blast walls and used cranes to move them away slab by giant slab. Some were loaded aboard trucks and removed, while others were simply shifted back from the street closer to the walls of the actual center.


Associated Press reporter Mirwais Khan in Kandahar contributed to this report.

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