Tuesday, August 17, 2010

GOP calls Obama insensitive over stand on mosque AP

WASHINGTON Republican candidates around the country seized on President Barack Obamas support for the right of Muslims to build a mosque near ground zero, assailing him as an elitist who is insensitive to the families of the Sept. 11 victims.

From statehouses to state fairs on Tuesday, Republican incumbents and challengers unleashed an almost unified line of criticism against the president days after he forcefully defended the construction of a $100 million Islamic center two blocks from the site of the 2001 terror attacks.

Recalling the emotion of that deadly day, Republicans said that while they respect religious freedom, the presidents position was cold and academic, lacking compassion and empathy for the victims families.

He is thinking like a lawyer and not like an American, making declarations without Americas best interest in mind, said Andrew Harris, a Republican running for Congress in Maryland against first-term Democratic Rep. Frank Kratovil.

That line � emerging as a boilerplate attack � forced the endangered Democrat to respond.

I mean, it seems to me those are issues related to local zoning laws and so forth, and thats a decision that theyre going to have to make, but I dont see the federal government having any role in that, Kratovil said.

In Ohio, where the president was headed Wednesday as part of a three-state political swing, Republican congressional candidate Jim Renacci took issue with Obamas position and challenged his opponent, first-term Democrat John Boccieri, to do likewise.

Just because we may have the right to do something, doesnt necessarily make it right to do it, Renacci said.

The Boccieri campaign said the candidate was unavailable for comment Tuesday.

Republicans who werent on the ballot this year � but possibly looking ahead to challenging Obama in 2012 � sought to make it a political issue.

Well I think its another example of him playing the role of law professor. ... We can have a great debate about the legal arguments. But its not about that, Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty said in an interview Monday on Fox News.

Obama, a graduate of Harvard Law School, was a professor at the University of Chicago law school from 1992 to 2004.

Democrats face an unforgiving political landscape 11 weeks before midterm elections, with high unemployment, ethics charges against two senior House Democrats and Obamas low approval ratings taking a toll. The president injected another issue to the mix when he said last Friday that Muslims have the same right to practice their religion as everyone else in this country and that included building the Islamic center in lower Manhattan.

A day later, Obama told reporters that wasnt an endorsement of the specifics of the mosque plan.

Republicans called it the 9/11 Mosque and the Ground Zero Mosque, falsely describing it as if a place of worship were being built in the crater left behind when the Twin Towers crumbled. Republican gubernatorial candidate Rick Scott started running a TV ad in Florida that said: Mr. President, ground zero is the wrong place for a mosque.

With a steady drumbeat, Republicans forced Democrats into difficult positions of either standing with the president or bucking him.

Democrats in Washington advised candidates to do what was best for their campaigns, reminding them of state demographics and poll results. Democrats sought to keep the conversation focused on job creation � their main message as economically struggling voters look to unleash their fury on the party in power.

In the end, senior Democrats told candidates, it wasnt as though the president of the United States or the White House needed their defense.

This wasnt something that the president viewed through a political lens, White House deputy press secretary Bill Burton told reporters aboard Air Force One as Obama flew to an appearance in Seattle. This is something that he saw as his obligation to address.

But it has been Democratic candidates who have had to address the issue of the mosque.

In Illinois, Rep. Mark Kirk, the Republican running for Obamas former Senate seat, said he respects religious freedom but suggested the Islamic center be built at a less controversial site.

His challenger, Illinois Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias, defended the decision to build the facility.

This is about every single religion and remembering what this country was founded on, Giannoulias said as he visited the state fair in Springfield. You cant just say things when theyre nice and flowery. You have to say them when its the right thing to do.

His remarks came one day after the Senates top Democrat, Harry Reid of Nevada, came out against plans to build a mosque near the World Trade Center site.


Associated Press writers Brian Witte in Annapolis, Md., Thomas J. Sheeran in Cleveland, Christopher Wills in Springfield, Ill., and White House Correspondent Ben Feller aboard Air Force One contributed to this report.

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