Thursday, August 19, 2010

US announces aid boost to Pakistan after flooding AP

GHAZI AIR BASE, Pakistan The United States will increase its aid to flood-ravaged Pakistan to $150 million, U.S. Sen. John Kerry said Thursday, stressing that Washington did not want Islamist extremism to increase on the back of the crisis.

The floods have affected 20 million people and 1/5 of the country, straining its civilian government as it struggles against al-Qaida and Taliban violence. Aid groups and the United Nations have complained foreign donors have not been quick or generous enough given the scale of the disaster.

The United States has deployed army helicopters to hard hit areas as part of a package worth $90 million.

U.S. Sen. John Kerry, who is visiting Pakistan to see the flood damage, said that would increase to $150 million. The figure is expected to be announced at a U.N. general assembly meeting in New York on Thursday.

Pakistan is vital for Americas strategic goals of defeating militancy and stabilizing neighboring Afghanistan so its troops can one day withdraw. Washington has already committed to spending $7.5 billion over the next five years in the country.

Recovering from the floods is likely to dominate the agenda of Pakistans army and government in coming months.

The state has been criticized for failing to respond quick enough, and Islamist charities � at least one of which has alleged links to terrorism � have been active in the flood-hit areas. There are also concerns the extent of the suffering could stoke social unrest and lead to political instability.

Kerry told reporters we dont want to additional jihadists, extremists coming out of a crisis.

He was speaking after meeting U.S. military personnel taking part in helicopter relief missions.

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