Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Kremlin fires iconic Moscow mayor after 18 years (AP)

MOSCOW � The Kremlin website says Russian President Dmitry Medvedev has fired Moscow Mayor Yury Luzhkov who held the post for 18 years.

The website says Medvedev signed a decree effective Tuesday relieving the 74-year-old mayor of his duties due to the president's "loss of confidence" in him.

Luzhkov garnered criticism in July when repairs to the main highway leading to Moscow's Sheremetyevo international airport created lengthy traffic jams.

Anger rose further when the mayor remained on vacation in Austria in August even as Moscow suffered through weeks of smog from nearby forest and peat-bog fires.

The final blow apparently came when Luzhkov criticized Mededev's decision to suspend building a highway through a forest outside Moscow.

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