Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Israeli doctors in Romania to help burned newborns AP

BUCHAREST, Romania Israeli doctors who rushed to Romania on Wednesday said they feared there was not much they could do to help seven premature infants who were critically burned in a hospital fire that left four other babies dead.

Romanian doctors at Bucharests Grigore Alexandrescu childrens hospital where the injured babies are being treated said the infants weigh just 1 to 2.5 kilograms 2.2 to 5.5 pounds and are burned on up to 80 percent of their bodies and respiratory tracts.

Mondays blaze at Giulesti maternity hospital forced the evacuation of dozens of babies and women � some in labor. The accident provoked a wave of public indignation, throwing light on Romanias poorly funded and understaffed health system.

Doctor Josef Haik, part of a team from Tel Aviv University, told reporters that I dont think we can do any more here.

Their condition can change at any moment, but they are cared for by a professional team, he said. Weve treated premature babies, but we have not seen so many cases in one place.

Thousands of doctors have left Romania in recent years for better paid jobs abroad. Hospitals are understaffed and cannot hire, as the government battles a sharp economic downturn and tries to keep the budget deficit down.

Relations with Israel have become closer in recent months, after six Israeli airmen died in a helicopter crash in July during joint training exercises with Romania. Romanian President Traian Basescu promised Israeli President Shimon Peres that his country would be a loyal partner of Israel in the event of a conflict with Iran.

Romanian health official Marius Savu said he had discussed transferring some of the infants to Israel, but was advised against it.

Dozens of people gathered outside the hospital, where the fire occurred, to light candles and leave flowers and fluffy toys.

Responding to calls for his resignation, Health Minister Attila Cseke called on Bucharest city hall to fire the managers of the maternity hospital.

It is still not clear what caused the fire, but unconfirmed media reports pointed to a malfunctioning air conditioning unit. An investigation is still under way to determine the cause of the blaze.

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