Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Lyric Semiconductor works on chip which digests data, calculates odds

Posted on Aug 17, 10 08:34 PM PDT

<-- google_ad_section_start --><-- sphereit start --><-- Entry Body Start--> Lyric Semiconductor might be rolling out a new generation of chips which is able to determine the best search results for an individual, or even calculate the odds on whether a particular e-mail message is spam or not. A chip that can compute likelihoods is definitely something worth looking into, since one can implement such technology in new ways including helping figure out just what book would someone want to purchase online, or even assist in the creation of a superior gene-sequencing machine. Amazon and Google could very well benefit from Lyrics technological advancement, as it will reduce the need for computing horsepower and algorithms required in todays retail Web sites to power prediction engines which attempt to determine which product someone might want to buy based on their past purchases and ratings. This goes against the traditional computer setup because they were specially developed to deal with black-and-white questions.<-- Entry Body END --> <-- sphereit end --><-- google_ad_section_end -->

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