Monday, August 23, 2010

13 die in Somali fighting; militia declares war AP

MOGADISHU, Somalia An emergency official in Somalia says a new outbreak of fighting between Islamist militants and government forces has killed 13 people as a spokesman for Somalias most powerful militia declares a massive war.

Sheik Ali Mohamud Rage, a spokesman for the al-Shabab militia, said Monday that militants were starting a new war against invaders, by which he appeared to mean the 6,000 African Union troops deployed in Mogadishu.

Fighting in Mogadishu, Somalias capital, broke out soon after Rage held a news conference. Ali Muse, the head of Mogadishus ambulance service, said 13 people were killed and 50 injured.

Militants and government and African Union troops exchanged mortars and tank fire. The 13 people were killed in one of Mogadishus main markets.

Somalia hasnt had a central government since 1991.

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