Monday, August 23, 2010

Some 200 women gang-raped near Congo UN base AP

JOHANNESBURG An aid worker says rebels in eastern Congo gang-raped nearly 200 women over four days within miles of a U.N. peacekeepers base.

Will F. Cragin of the International Medical Corps says aid workers knew rebels had occupied Luvungi town the day after the attack began on July 30.

More than three weeks later the U.N. mission says it still is investigating.

Cragin told The Associated Press Monday by telephone that his organization was only able to go into the town that is 10 miles 16 kilometers from a U.N. military camp after rebels withdrew voluntarily on Aug. 4.

He said international and local health workers have treated 179 women but that the number raped could be much higher. Cragin said his aid group has been going back to the town and identifying more cases.

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