Monday, August 23, 2010

Spanish hostages freed by al-Qaida arrive in Spain AP

BARCELONA, Spain Two Spanish aid workers kidnapped almost nine months ago by an al-Qaida affiliate arrived Tuesday in Barcelona after a multi-million-dollar ransom was reportedly paid for their freedom � a sign of the terrorist groups growing sophistication in bankrolling operations through kidnappings, experts said.

Aid workers Roque Pascual and Albert Vilalta were abducted last November when their convoy of 4-by-4s was attacked by gunmen on a stretch of road in Mauritania. They were whisked away to Mali, whose northern half is now one of the many stretches of remote desert where al-Qaida of Islamic Maghreb, or AQIM, has stretched its tentacles.

Late on Monday afternoon, the pair stepped out of a helicopter that landed on the grounds of the presidential palace in Burkina Faso and were handed a cell phone. Reporters overheard them saying into the phone muchas gracias � or many thanks.

Spanish newspaper El Mundo reported that Spain had paid euro3.8 million in ransom to secure the aid workers release. The government refused to comment.

The two men arrived early Tuesday in Barcelona where they were greeted at the airport by family members and government officials. Vilalta, who suffered multiple bullet wounds to his leg when he tried to flee his abductors on the day of the kidnapping, walked with the aid of a single crutch.

Now we are free and Im very happy and very moved, he said.

For the rest of my life I will try to make up to you what I put you through, said Pascual, raising a clinched fist in the air in a sign of victory.

Both men thanked the Spanish goverment for its diplomatic efforts to free them.

Originally based in Algeria, AQIM had limited reach until 2006, when the organization, then called the Salafist Group for Call and Combat, brokered a deal with al-Qaidas leadership in the Middle East, allowing them to become in essence a franchise of the larger terrorist network.

Since then they have abducted Austrian, Swiss, Italian, French and Canadian nationals. Experts say the majority were released after multimillion dollar ransoms were paid, money that is being reinvested to grow the groups footprint.

In February 2008, AQIM abducted two Austrian tourists vacationing in Tunisia. They were released eight months later after the Austrian government paid $5 million, according to reports in the Algerian press. In December of the same year, the group abducted Canadian national Robert Fowler, the U.N. special envoy to Niger, who was released after a reported $8 million was paid, according to an article in the World Defense Review by Africa expert Peter Pham.

Its clear that ransoms are being paid, since no political demand is usually made in connection with these kidnappings, said Pham, who is the senior vice president at the National Committee on American Foreign Policy and who recently traveled to Mauritania and Morocco in order to research the growth of the group.

It would be illogical to assume that AQIM is carrying out these kidnappings and making no demands for their hostages. The dangerous innovation that we have seen in recent years is that the ransoms have gone beyond acting as startup money. Its now been incorporated into their business model and has become a major component of their strategy, he said.

He pointed to the prisoner exchange that is believed to have taken place last week before the release of Pascual and Vilalta.

Soon after they were kidnapped on Nov. 29, Mauritanian commandos led a raid across the border into Mali, where the terrorist group is believed to have an operating base. There they seized Omar Ould Sid Ahmed Ould Hama. He was sentenced by a Mauritanian court to 12 years in prison for taking part in the kidnapping of the aid workers.

Just one week before they were freed, Hama was quietly extradited to Mali, where a diplomatic source at a Western embassy said he was handed back to AQIM. The official spoke on condition of anonymity because he is not authorized to speak.

Hama, says Pham, is an example of the groups growing reach and its use of its new capital to recruit the most able fighters. Hama, who is from Mali, is neither Algerian nor Mauritanian � as was the case for the majority of the groups recruits in its early years.

Pham says Hama, who goes by the alias Omar Sahraoui is believed to have been a senior commander of the Polisario Front in Western Sahara, a Muslim group trained by the Soviets. Their fighters are far more skilled then the typical AQIM recruit. And unlike AQIM, the Polisario is a nationalistic movement and is not linked to militant Islam.

Its an example of how the cash flow from these kidnappings is enabling them to hire the best guns, says Pham. If youre reaching into the Polisario, youre no longer looking for true believers. ... Now they can afford well-trained mercenaries. So the success rate of their operations will also go up, he said.

Rudolph Atallah, who recently retired from his post as Africa Counterterrorism Director in the Office of the Secretary of Defense, says that its against international law for Western governments to pay ransoms to terrorists. But there is no question, he says, that AQIM is making money from kidnappings. The money is funneled through intermediaries, he said.

The helicopter sent to Mali to retrieve the aid workers also included high-level officials from the entourage of Burkina Fasos President Blaise Compaore. An adviser to Compaore is believed to have helped in the hostage negotiation.


Associated Press writers Brahima Ouedraogo in Burkina Faso; Rukmini Callimachi in Dakar; Ahmed Mohamed in Nouakchott, Mauritania; Ciaran Giles in Madrid and Martin Vogl in Bamako, Mali, contributed to this report.

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